Sunday 1 April 2012

"Food for Thought" about Moroccan Oil...

Hey Guys,
Something has been playing on my mind recently about the cult product "Moroccan Oil".

It appears to be a must-have for celebrities & seems to always be featured in the magazines. This little brown & blue bottle pops up all over the place. I too, was drawn to the wonders of this miracle oil, which comes from the Argan Tree - only found in Morocco. However, after watching an episode of Dateline the other week, I was shocked to learn the truth behind the promise of amazing soft, shiny hair.

If you are interested about where this product comes from & are trying to choose more ethical haircare products, I would strongly suggest watching this episode of dateline...

I for one, will NOT be adding this to my beauty list. It's a shame that a bottle cannot label the environmental effects & the complex economical issues that can arise from the demand of a cleverly marketed product.

That's all for now...Hope you all had a lovely weekend!
Sweet Dreams xx


  1. Wow, that was really interesting & sad to watch. It's a bit like whats happening to quinoa at the moment, with the huge demand for it now. It's difficult- I suppose buying local and ethical products is the way to go. Also, thankyou for your kind email a little while ago, sorry I never got back! I'm enjoying reading your blog, hope to keep in touch :) x

    1. It makes you want to question everything you buy & the type of companies you want to support! I had no idea about quinoa?! I will have to look into that too :/ No problem about the email, we shall definitely keep in touch xx
      PS - if you are on Facebook, you can like my blog's FB page - I will be posting quite a lot on there & great for networking with like-minded people :)
