Tuesday 10 April 2012

THE Glowing Green Smoothie by Kimberly Snyder

Hey Guys!

Many of you know about my daily morning breakfast ritual... Well, for those who do know me, I kinda MADE you aware, because I couldn't stop talking about Kimberly Snyder & her life-changing Glowing Green Smoohtie (GGS)!

The GGS has become part of my life & I absolutely LOVE the philosophy behind the Beauty Detox Solution!

Kimberly is a Raw/Vegan Clinical Nutritionist to the stars (Channing Tatum & Jenna Dewan-Tatum, Drew Barrymore, Hilary Duff, Fergie & Josh Duhamel just to name a few!) She is also a Yoga Guru who has extensively travelled the world over 3 years, starting in Sydney and going from Nepal to Peru & everywhere in between! After observing many different beauty habits in cultures from all over the world & many interesting diets, Kimberly got a thirst for natural health & beauty infomation and decided to study nutrition once she got back to America.

She shares insight into many accepted ways of eating in the Western world & how bad it actually can be for the body, our energy & skin. The Beauty Detox Solution is based on making the body more alkaline, proper food combining & eating as much fresh, raw fruit & veg as you want! It allows for ongoing cleansing which leads to "More Energy" which ultimately leads to "More Beauty". She doesn't believe in the "fad" quick detoxes but thinks cleansing should be happening on an ongoing basis.

 Her signature drink has honestly changed my life - it did everything it said it would! I have more energy, clearer, glowing skin, lost the last 4 kgs I wanted to shed (and kept them off) while feeling cleansed on a daily basis! If I miss my serve of GGS for some unforseeable reason, I just don't feel the same - sluggish, tired & toxic :(

 I have tweaked it a little to my liking, so here is my version of the GGS...


1 1/2 C Filtered Water
Juice of 1 Lemon
1 whole Cos Lettuce
1 Bunch English Spinach
1 Bunch Kale or other dark leafy green
4 Celery Sticks
1 Pear (cored)
1 Apple (cored)
1 Peach (if in season)
2 Bananas
3 Sprigs of Parsley


* This is done in the Vitamix (please see info below)

1. Place water & lemon juice in first, add lettuce, blend 10-20 secs (push down with tamper)
2. Add spinach & kale, blend 10-20 secs (push down with tamper)
3. Add the rest of the ingrediants, blend for 30-40 secs

That is it! This makes 4 servings. I pour them evenly into 4 Tupperware cups. You can freeze a few serves so that you are never without!!

By having a nutrient & mineral rich pre-digested breakfast, it allows our bodies to use energy in other ways (instead of trying to digest a heavy or sugary breakfast) while getting maximum absorption of all the goodies that raw fruits & vegies can provide us!

I try to use as much organic produce possible - if I can't get the organic ingrediants, I make sure I thoroughly wash with a good natural fruit & veg wash.

Unfortunatly, the GGS wont be as nice in a normal blender... I invested in a Vitamix and it was well worth the $$$$. The Vitamix allows you to add unpeeled fruit. It blends to a smooth consistency & you don't even have to blend for a minute. The powerful motor allows maximum flavour with maximum nutrients. Greens are better blended for pre-digestion to allow better absorption of nutrients.

You can make so many delicious smoothies in the Vitamix, even soups, ice-cream & dips! I couldn't live without it!!

Please check out Kim's amazing website

She is truly an inspiration!!

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